图1 术前、术后3个月和术后6个月膝关节主观评分比较
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内控型得分与术后3月及6月IKDC评分(r3m=0.77,r6m=0.70,P<0.001)、Lysholm评分(r3m=0.68,r6m=0.64,P<0.001)及Tegner评分(r3m=0.24,r6m=0.46,P<0.05)呈正相关,内控型得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越小[OR 95%CI 为0.86(0.76,0.97),P=0.016];机遇型得分与术后3月及6月IKDC评分(r3m=-0.71,r6m=-0.67,P<0.001)、Lysholm评分(r3m=-0.49,r6m=-0.43,P<0.001)及Tegner评分(r3m=-0.22,r6m=-0.35,P<0.05)呈负相关,机遇型得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越大[OR 95%CI 为1.26(1.12,1.41),P<0.001];有势力的他人型得分与术后3月及6月的IKDC评分(r3m=-0.51,r6m=-0.50,P<0.001)及Lysholm评分(r3m=-0.36,r6m=-0.40,P<0.001)呈负相关,与术后Tegner评分不存在相关性(P>0.05),有势力的他人型得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越大[OR 95%CI 为1.74(1.29,2.34),P<0.001]。
To explore the effect of health locus of control on the early rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) reconstruction.
From July 2019 to October 2019, a prospective cohort study of 155 ACL patients receiving reconstruction (male=124 and female=31) in our hospital was conducted. The general data questionnaire, MHLC-C, Tegner activity score, IKDC Score, Lysholm Score and Y-Balance Test were used for further analysis. The correlation between HLC and early rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction was explored by Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, correlation analysis and Logistics regression analysis.
Positive correlations were found between the internality health locus of control (IHLC) and the IKDC score (r3m=0.77, r6m=0.70, P<0.001), as well as the Lysholm scores (r3m=0.68, r6m=0.64, P<0.001) and the Tegner activity score (r3m=0.24, r6m=0.46, P<0.05) in 3 and 6 months after surgery, and higher IHLC score indicated a better y-balance test outcome[OR 95%CI=0.86(0.76, 0.97), P=0.016]. Chance health locus of control (CHLC) was negatively correlated with the IKDC score (r3m=-0.71, r6m=-0.67, P<0.001), the Lysholm score (r3m=-0.49, r6m=-0.43, P<0.001) and the Tegner activity score (r3m=-0.22, r6m=-0.35, P<0.05) in 3 and 6 months after surgery, and higher CHLC score indicated worse outcome of y-balance test [OR 95%CI=1.26(1.12, 1.41), P<0.001]. There was a negative correlation between the Powerful others health locus of control (PHLC) and the IKDC score (r3m=-0.51, r6m=-0.50, P<0.001), the Lysholm scores (r3m=-0.36, r6m=-0.40, P<0.001), but there was no correlation with the Tegner activity score in 3 and 6 months after surgery(P>0.05). The risk of poor y-balance test increased by higher score of PHLC [OR 95%CI=1.74(1.29, 2.34), P<0.001].
A significant correlation was found between the health locus of control and the early rehabilitation effect after ACL reconstruction. Higher internality health locus of control scores indicated a better rehabilitation outcome, while higher scores of external loci of control indicated higher risk of worse rehabilitation outcome.
膝关节损伤是最常见运动损伤之一,其中前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)损伤占膝关节损伤的50%[
1.2.1 多维度健康状况心理控制源量表
C(multidimentional health locus of control-form C, MHLC-C): 由Wallston在表A、B的基础上于1994年编制[
1.2.2 膝关节主观功能评分:① IKDC评分[
1.2.3 膝关节客观评估办法
Y-Balance Test是一个能综合评估个体关节活动度、下肢力量、自体平衡感觉及神经肌肉控制能力的测试,由于其前向动作的完成需要膝关节和臀部屈曲、踝关节背屈、力量、神经肌肉控制和平衡,故有研究表明由于关于ACL重建术后早期康复预测指标有限,Y-Balance Test可作为ACL重建术后早期康复进展的重要指标[
利用统计分析软件SPSS 22.0(IBM公司,美国)对数据进行分析处理,计量资料数据用(ˉx±s)表示,正态性检验采用Shapiro-wilk检验,对于符合正态分布的变量采用配对样本 t 检验分析差异性,相关性采用Pearson相关分析;对于不符合正态分布的变量采用Wilcoxon符号秩检验分析差异,相关性采用Spearman相关分析。重复测量资料采用Hotelling’s T 2检验,事后多重比较采用Bonferroni法。分析多变量之间的关系采用Logistic回归分析,P<0.05认为差异有统计学意义。
本研究纳入患者共155例,其中男性124例,女性31例,右膝78例,左膝77例,年龄约28.43±7.13岁,28(22~34)岁,BMI(23.54±3.43) kg/m2,从出现膝关节症状到前去医院就医的时间为153 d(45~262)d。约有58.7%的患者在篮球运动中损伤,其次约有18.7%的患者在足球运动中损伤,13.5%的患者在羽毛球运动中损伤(
Item | Value/% |
Age/years | 28.43±7.13 |
Time delay from injury to surgery /days | 153(45~262) |
Health locus of control | |
IHLC | 23.52±6.00 |
CHLC | 21.43±8.39 |
PHLC | 10.85±3.12 |
Side (cases) | |
Right | 78(50.3%) |
Legt | 77(49.7%) |
Gender | |
Male | 124(80%) |
Female | 31(20%) |
BMI | |
<18.5 | 8(5.2%) |
18.5~23.9 | 76(49.0%) |
24~27.9 | 54(34.8%) |
≥28 | 17(11.0%) |
Sports | |
Basketball | 91(58.7%) |
Football | 29(18.7%) |
Badminton | 21(13.5%) |
Running | 8(5.2%) |
Volleyball | 1(0.6%) |
Table Tennis | 2(1.3%) |
Martial arts | 3(1.9%) |
IHLC: internality health locus of control; CHLC: chance health locus of control; PHLC: powerful others health locus of control; BMI, body mass index.
对比患者术前、术后3个月和6个月的膝关节主观评分显示3个时间点膝关节主观评分具有统计学意义(F=171.331, P<0.001,
图1 术前、术后3个月和术后6个月膝关节主观评分比较
Fig. 1 Comparison of subjective scores preoperatively, 3 months and 6 months after surgery after ACL reconstruction
Comparison of subjective scores, n = 155. 1) P < 0.001 compared IKDC score between pre-operative and 3 months after ACL reconstruction; 2) P < 0.001 compared IKDC score between pre-operative and 6 months after ACL reconstruction; 3) P < 0.001 compared IKDC score between 3 months and 6 months after ACL reconstruction; 4) P = 0.007 compared Lysholm score between pre-operative and 3 months after ACL reconstruction; 5) P < 0.001 compared Lysholm score between pre-operative and 6 months after ACL reconstruction; 6) P < 0.001 compared Lysholm score between 3months and 6months after ACL reconstruction; 7) P < 0.001 compared Tegner score between pre-operative and 3 months after ACL reconstruction; 8) P < 0.001 compared Tegner score between pre-operative and 6 months after ACL reconstruction; 9) P < 0.001 compared Tegner score between 3months and 6months after ACL reconstruction. IKDC: international knee documentation committee subjective knee score; Lysholm: the Lysholm knee scoring scale; Tegner: the Tegner activity score.
Three months after surgery | IKDC | Lysholm | Tegner | |||
r | P value | r | P value | r | P value | |
IHLC | 0.86 | <0.001 | 0.68 | <0.001 | 0.22 | 0.005 |
CHLC | -0.71 | <0.001 | -0.49 | <0.001 | -0.22 | 0.006 |
PHLC | -0.51 | <0.001 | -0.36 | <0.001 | -0.12 | 0.142 |
IHLC: internality health locus of control; CHLC: chance health locus of control; PHLC: powerful others health locus of control; IKDC: international knee documentation committee subjective knee score; Lysholm: the Lysholm knee scoring scale; Tegner: the Tegner activity score.
Six months after surgery | IKDC | Lysholm | Tegner | |||
r | P value | r | P value | r | P value | |
IHLC | 0.79 | <0.001 | 0.56 | <0.001 | 0.46 | <0.001 |
CHLC | -0.67 | <0.001 | -0.43 | <0.001 | -0.35 | <0.001 |
PHLC | -0.50 | <0.001 | -0.40 | <0.001 | -0.19 | 0.019 |
IHLC: internality health locus of control; CHLC: chance health locus of control; PHLC: powerful others health locus of control; IKDC: international knee documentation committee subjective knee score; Lysholm: the lysholm knee scoring scale; Tegner: the Tegner activity score.
将HLC各维度纳入Logistic回归模型后,Logistic回归模型具有统计学意义(χ2 =132.35,P<0.001),其中CHLC得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越大(OR 95%CI为1.26(1.12,1.41),P<0.001),同样PHLC得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险也越大(OR 95%CI为1.74(1.29,2.34),P<0.001);仅有IHLC得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越小(OR 95%CI为0.86(0.76,0.97),P=0.016),具有统计学意义(
Variable | b | Sb | Wald χ2 | P | OR | OR 95%CI |
IHLC | -0.155 | 0.064 | 5.761 | 0.016 | 0.86 | (0.76, 0.97) |
CHLC | 0.227 | 0.059 | 14.659 | <0.001 | 1.26 | (1.12, 1.41) |
PHLC | 0.554 | 0.152 | 13.301 | <0.001 | 1.74 | (1.29, 2.34) |
IHLC: internality health locus of control, CHLC: chance health locus of control, PHLC: powerful others health locus of control.
本研究结果显示,IHLC与术后3月及6月膝关节主观评分呈正相关,CHLC与术后3月及6月膝关节主观评分呈负相关,PHLC与术后3月及6月的IKDC评分及Lysholm评分呈负相关,通过Logistic回归分析发现CHLC和PHLC得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越大,而IHLC得分越高Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的风险越小。该结果提示,HLC与ACL重建术后康复效果密切相关。
CHLC与膝关节主观评分存在负相关关系,即CHLC得分越高膝关节主观评分越差,Y-Balance Test测试结果为差的可能性越大。CHLC得分高者即高机遇型患者认为其健康的结果是他们无法控制的,依赖于运气、命运、机会等外部因素[
由于科研时间及客观条件的限制,本研究仍然存在一些不足,有待进一步改进。本研究采用的评估膝关节功能的客观指标仅有Y-Balance Test,且随访时间仅选择至术后6个月,由于在ACL重建术后6月仍不建议进行跳跃类运动,故后续应增加随访时间,并增加等速肌力测试、单腿跳跃等客观指标以增加研究公信力,并进一步探索HLC与ACL重建术后远期康复效果的关系。这项研究的另一个局限性是,即使使用了前瞻性研究设计,数据是相关的,但不能从发现中得出因果推论,且本研究为观察性试验,尚未采取实际干预手段,故本研究的结果仅能为临床工作者提供参考,不能提供实质性的干预方案,后续可开展通过不同心理干预手段提高ACL重建术后康复效果的研究来进一步探究实质性心理干预方案。
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