中山大学附属第三医院病理科,广东 广州510630
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LI Hai-feng,JI Yan-ying,ZHOU Lu,et al.Clinicopathological Analysis of Parathyroid Lesions in Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2022,43(06):1035-1040.
李海凤,纪燕英,周璐等.甲状旁腺病变细针穿刺标本的临床病理分析[J].中山大学学报(医学科学版),2022,43(06):1035-1040. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).2022.0620.
LI Hai-feng,JI Yan-ying,ZHOU Lu,et al.Clinicopathological Analysis of Parathyroid Lesions in Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2022,43(06):1035-1040. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).2022.0620.
男性6例,女性6例,中位年龄47岁(39.25~ 63.25)岁。超声影像学特征多表现为实性结节,少数表现为囊实性结节,边界尚清,内部回声欠均匀。液基细胞学显示甲状旁腺病变的细胞数量可从少量到丰富不等。细胞体积偏小而圆(类似于淋巴细胞),大小较一致;细胞胞浆可多可少,胞界不清;细胞核呈细颗粒或“胡椒盐”样。细胞排列方式多样,包括小簇状、小滤泡型、小梁型、小片状或大片状,大的细胞团一般边界较模糊。12个病例的细胞蜡块中免疫组化均显示甲状旁腺激素(PTH)阳性、甲状腺球蛋白(TG)阴性。
To investigate the clinicopathological characteristics of parathyroid lesions in fine-needle aspiration cytology.
The clinical and pathological features of 12 cases of parathyroid lesions in fine-needle aspiration cytology in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.
There are 6 males and 6 females, with the median age of 47 years (39.25~ 63.25 years). Ultrasound results demonstrated that the majority of cases were solid nodules with clear boundary and uneven internal echoes. Liquid-based cytology showed that the cellularity ranged from minimal to abundant. The majority of cases showed small and round cells with finely or coarsely granular (salt and pepper) chromatin. The cytoplasm of parathyroid cells was moderate to scant, and had indistinct cytoplasmic border. The architectural patterns included small cluster, small follicular, trabecular, small flake or large flake, the boundary of large cell groups was generally fuzzy. All twelve samples were positive for parathyroid hormone (PTH) and negative for thyroglobulin (TG) on cell blocks.
Parathyroid lesions in fine-needle aspiration cytology are rare and pose a diagnostic challenge. When cells arranged in small clusters or trabecular on liquid-based smears, and the cells were small and round with finely or coarsely granular (salt and pepper) chromatin, pathologists should be aware of the possibility of parathyroid lesions. PTH positivity and TG negativity on cell blocks is helpful in confirming the diagnosis in this instance.
parathyroid lesionsdiagnostic pitfall and challengefine-needle aspirationcytology
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