图1 ROI勾画
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回顾性分析2021年7月13日至2022年10月15日在中山大学肿瘤防治中心ELEKTA infinity加速器放疗的乳腺癌保乳术后患者,按不同复位方式分为模拟机复位组(模拟组)41例和双引导复位组(双引导组)40例。模拟组采用模拟机进行复位,首次用CBCT扫描并记录摆位误差;双引导组采用体表光学设备AlignRT引导摆位并联合CBCT进行等中心双引导复位,记录CBCT配准获取的摆位误差。分别计算并比较两种复位方式的胸壁靶区(CROI)的整体摆位误差、患侧锁骨头区域(SROI)的局部残余误差和复位时间,分析SGRT联合IGRT双引导复位的CBCT误差值分布的优点。
模拟组和双引导组在CROI区域的整体摆位误差(X/cm、Y/cm、Z/cm、Rx°、Ry°、Rz°)中,除了Ry、Rz方向无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,其他方向摆位误差具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。模拟组和双引导组在患侧SROI区域的局部残余误差(X/cm、Y/cm、Z/cm、Rx°、Ry°、Rz°)中,除X、Z轴平移方向无统计学差异(P>0.05)外,其他方向均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。模拟组的复位时间为(505.36±21.96) s明显大于双引导组的(238.64±28.56) s,t=-24.555,P=0.000,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。分析双引导组的CBCT误差值分布,发现X、Y、Z轴平移误差绝对值均覆盖在0.4 cm以内,而≤0.3 cm的比例分别为95%、93%和93%,Rx、Ry、Rz旋转误差绝对值≤1.5 °的比例分别为90%、93%和90%。
The objective is to investigate the possibility of isocenter dual-guided resetting of surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT) combined with image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) in postoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer. To assess the setup error accuracy between the new resetting mode and the traditional resetting mode.
Retrospective analysis was performed on breast cancer patients who underwent ELEKTA infinity accelerator radiotherapy in sun yat-sen university cancer center from July 13, 2021 to October 15, 2022. According to different reset methods, the patients were divided into a simulation group (41 cases) and a dual-guided group (40 cases). The simulation group was reset using a simulator, CBCT scans were performed and setup errors were recorded during the first treatment; The dual-guided group was guided by AlignRT and combined with CBCT for isocenter dual-guided resetting, and the setup error obtained by CBCT registration was recorded. The global setup errors of chest region of interest (CROI) , the local residual errors of supraclavicular region of interest (SROI) and the resetting time of the two reset methods were calculated and compared respectively. The advantages of the CBCT error distribution in the dual-guided resetting of SGRT combined with IGRT were analyzed.
The median of the global setup errors (X/cm, Y/cm, Z/cm, Rx°, Ry°, Rz°) of the simulation group and the median of the dual-guided group in the CROI were statistically significant (P<0.05) except the Rz and Ry directions. The local residual errors of the two groups of the SROI were calculated. The median of the errors of X/cm, Y/cm, Z/cm, Rx°, Ry°, Rz° were statistically significant (P<0.05) except the X and Y axis. The resetting time of the simulation group was significantly longer than that of the dual-guided group (238.64±28.56) s, t=-24.555, P=0.000, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The CBCT error distribution of the dual-guide group was analyzed, and it was found that the absolute values of translation errors of X, Y and Z axis were all within 0.4 cm, while the proportions of ≤ 0.3 cm were 95%, 93% and 93%, respectively. The proportions of rotation errors of Rx, Ry and Rz ≤ 1.5 ° were 90%, 93% and 90%, respectively.
In postoperative radiotherapy of breast cancer, SGRT combined with IGRT for isocenter dual-guided resetting can effectively correct the rotational setup errors and residual errors, and improve the accuracy of radiotherapy with less resetting time and high feasibility, which compared with the traditional simulator resetting mode. This precise, unmarked resetting method can be widely used in clinical practice.
回顾式分析2021年7月13日至2022年10月15日在中山大学肿瘤防治中心ELEKTA infinity加速器放疗的乳腺癌保乳术后患者,按不同复位方式分为模拟组(41例)和双引导组(40例)。纳入标准:年龄20~60岁;KPS大于80分;术后分期为T1-3N1-3M0的乳腺癌保乳术后患者;术后拟行调强放射治疗患者;患侧上臂上举外展自如的患者;患者自愿接受kV-CBCT图像引导放疗装置。排除标准:同时双侧乳腺癌;既往胸壁或锁骨上放疗史;既往或治疗时合并有其他恶性肿瘤(皮肤癌、甲状腺乳头状癌等);存在乳腺癌放疗禁忌症;严重心功能不全;无法配合完成摆位者。患者放疗前均签署了知情同意书,已获得医院伦理委员会批准(B2020-379-01)。
瑞典医科达直线加速器ELEKTA infinity 、Philips 16排螺旋CT模拟定位机,模拟定位机,monaco放疗计划系统(treatment planning system,TPS)、体表光学设备AlignRT、碳纤维头颈肩架(广州科莱瑞迪医疗器材有限公司)、医用发泡胶(广州富瑞健康科技有限公司)等。
采用医用发泡胶联合碳纤维头颈肩架的固定方式,将发泡胶的布袋放在颈肩体位固定架上,将异氰酸聚亚甲基聚亚苯基酯和复合聚醚类多元醇倒入布袋内混合均匀。患者仰卧位,双手上举外展,在其头部、手臂和肩胛骨等部位均留有明显的卡位凹槽,个体化的塑形方式使发泡胶与人体体表轮廓完美贴合,保证治疗时的体位重复性。使用Philips 16排螺旋大孔径CT模拟定位机进行图像采集,扫描层厚5 mm,管电压140 kV,扫描范围一般为第二颈椎上缘到第二腰椎下缘。用Monaco计划系统进行靶区勾画和计划设计,采用调强放疗(IMRT)技术,总剂量50~60 Gy,治疗总次数25~30次(2 Gy/次)。
1.4.1 双引导组AlignRT扫描参数设置
双引导组患者在AlignRT系统导入治疗计划(RT plan)和体表外轮廓(RT structure),勾画2个ROI(region of interest)。1个ROI用于患者体表引导摆位(胸壁、胸骨、及患侧至健侧乳房皱褶下3 cm宽的条型带),另1个用于治疗中的实时监控,勾画范围扩大至健侧乳腺(患者双侧乳腺及乳房皱褶下3 cm宽的条型带),以防止治疗过程中机架角度在±60°的范围内遮挡摄像机,导致体表信息覆盖不足25%,监测数据出现误差(
图1 ROI勾画
Fig. 1 ROI delineation
Left for the guide positioning ROI, right for real-time monitoring ROI.
1.4.2 CBCT扫描参数设置
对Infinity自带的 XVI成像系统进行扫描参数设置:电压120 kV,机架转速360°/min,kv准直器设置为M20,kv滤线器设置为F1,采集图像330帧/分,FOV成像范围为276.7 mm×409.6 mm,扫描时机架逆时针旋转,角度为180°至180°。
1.5.1 模拟组患者复位验证流程
图2 复位标记线
Fig. 2 Reset marker line
left for resetting body surface marker of simulation group, right for unmarked dual-guided resetting group
图3 模拟组与双引导组复位验证流程图
Fig. 3 Resetting verification flow charts of simulation group and dual-guided group
1.5.2 双引导组患者复位验证流程
双引导组患者40例无需模拟机复位,直接使用AlignRT联合CBCT进行等中心双引导复位。复位步骤如下:①先按照定位CT线和患者体表的CT-mark点摆位;②参照光学体表示意的等中心位置移床到大概等中心1 cm以内的范围,然后通过MOVE COUCH功能一键移床至治疗等中心;③打开Treatment capture 获取图像,使用绿色体表姿势纠正功能,主要是纠正手臂外展和头偏程度等(
图4 体表姿势纠正
Fig. 4 Posture correction
left before correction, right after correction.
因双引导组CBCT配准框需要与VRT1的ROI范围保持一致,为了保证和模拟组配准条件相同,治疗时的图像配准范围均为患侧胸壁靶区(chest region of interest, CROI):纵向从胸骨柄至PTV,横向以体中线至胸壁外侧1 cm。同时,本研究对锁骨头区域即锁上靶区(supraclavicular region of interest, SROI)进行了图像配准,该区域的重复性可减少甲状腺、肱骨头等危及器官的剂量,降低放疗副反应,尽可能减少该区域的局部残余误差,保证锁上靶区剂量精准传递。患侧锁上靶区(SROI)配准范围:纵向从环状软骨至锁骨头下缘,横向以颈椎至肱骨头前缘。CROI和SROI的配准方式均为:GreyT+R自动匹配后手动微调。其中,CROI用于计划CT和CBCT之间的配准,其配准结果被定义为整体误差ECROI,CROI的配准结果与SROI的配准结果之间的差值定义为SROI的局部残余误差△ER=ECROI-ESROI。
使用SPSS 26.0软件对数据进行统计学分析,误差数据和复位时间均用绝对值表示,对数据进行Shapiro-Wilk(S-W)正态性检验。复位时间符合正态分布和方差齐性,采用独立t检验,以均值±标准差表示;误差数据不符合正态分布,方差不齐,采用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验,以中位数(下四分位数~上四分位数)[M (P25~P75)]表示。P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义(双尾)。
Setup errors(ECROI) | Simulation group | Dual-guided group | z | P |
X/cm | 0.190(0.075~0.380) | 0.090(0.040~0.180) | -2.614 | 0.009 |
Y/cm | 0.210(0.135~0.440) | 0.140(0.063~0.238) | -2.826 | 0.005 |
Z/cm | 0.26(0.16~0.51) | 0.17(0.10~0.23) | -3.143 | 0.002 |
Rx/° | 0.90(0.50~1.75) | 0.60(0.33~1.00) | -2.832 | 0.005 |
Ry/° | 0.80(0.50~1.25) | 0.70(0.43~1.20) | -0.369 | 0.712 |
Rz/° | 0.90(0.35~1.50) | 0.65(0.40~1.18) | -1.075 | 0.282 |
CROI: chest region of interest.
Residual errors(△ER) | Simulation group | Dual-guided group | z | P |
X/cm | 0.140(0.075~0.250) | 0.165(0.063~0.210) | -0.458 | 0.647 |
Y/cm | 0.210(0.070~0.295) | 0.080(0.053~0.155) | -3.041 | 0.002 |
Z/cm | 0.110(0.040~0.215) | 0.075(0.020~0.140) | -1.789 | 0.074 |
Rx/° | 0.90(0.60~1.75) | 0.70(0.35~1.10) | -2.600 | 0.009 |
Ry/° | 1.40(0.40~1.80) | 0.65(0.35~1.25) | -2.735 | 0.006 |
Rz/° | 0.90(0.40~1.50) | 0.60(0.20~0.80) | -3.026 | 0.002 |
SROI: Supraclavicular region of interest.
模拟组复位时间为:(505.36±21.96) s,双引导组复位时间为:(238.64±28.56) s,两组比较t=-24.555,P=0.000,两组复位时间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
图5 平移误差分布散点图
Fig. 5 The scatter plot of translational setup error distribution
图6 旋转误差分布散点图
Fig. 6 The scatter plot of rotational setup error distribution
双引导复位模式中,患者无需去模拟机复位,简化了工作流程,有效节省了患者的时间。复位时我们仅在固定装置上做了标记线,患者身体上是无标记的,这为后续治疗提供了便利。摆位时对齐标记线后,打开AlignRT,移床至治疗等中心,参考绿色体表调整整体姿势,再对六维误差进行实时调整,整个流程可在1 min左右完成,比之前研究中的摆位时间大大降低[
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