图1 小鼠光学离焦性近视模型
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探索一种新的小鼠光学离焦性近视 (LIM) 模型的构建方法,揭示其屈光度与眼生物学参数的变化。
27只21日龄C57BL/6小鼠分为3组:LIM组、平光镜 (PL) 组和空白对照 (N) 组,比例为5:1:3。以右眼为干预眼,左眼作为自身对照。于实验开始前,干预后第1、2、3和4周,复方托吡卡胺散瞳后检影检测屈光度,光学相干断层扫描在体测量眼轴。各组内,左右眼进行配对t检验。3组间比较,采用Welch's ANOVA,差异有统计学意义时,采用Dunnett's T3法校正P值进行两两比较。
离焦诱导2周,LIM组内干预眼屈光度比对侧眼向近视漂移约(-2.55±1.54) D(t=6.430, P<0.000 1), 伴眼轴较对侧增长约(0.051 ±0.024) mm(t=7.837, P<0.000 1);组间比较,LIM组屈光度较PL组或N组近视漂移的均值分别为-2.30 D (P=0.014),-2.55 D (P<0.000 1),LIM组眼轴较PL组或N组增长的均值分别为0.048 mm (P<0.000 1)、0.047 mm (P<0.000 1)。随干预时间延长,近视漂移程度增加。
To explore a new model for lens-induced myopia (LIM) in mice and describe the changes of diopter and ocular biological parameters.
Twenty-seven 21-day-old C57BL/6 mice were divided into three groups (ratio, 5:1:3): LIM group, plano lens (PL) group and normal control (N) group. The right eyes were intervened while the left eyes were left as control. The refraction was detected with retinoscopy after the pupils were dilated with compound topicamide and ocular axial length was measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in vivo at baseline and 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the intervention. Paired t test was performed between left and right eyes within each group. Welch's ANOVA was used for comparison among the three groups. When the difference was statistically significant, the Dunnett's T3 was used to correct P value for pairwise comparison.
After 2 weeks of defocus induction, the refraction of the intervened eye in LIM group shifted to myopia about (-2.55±1.54) D(t=6.430, P<0.000 1), and the ocular axial length (AL) increased about (0.051±0.024) mm(t=7.837, P<0.000 1). The difference of interocular change in refraction in LIM group compared with PL group and N group was -2.30 D (P=0.014) and -2.55 D (P<0.000 1), respectively. The difference of interocular change in AL in LIM group was 0.048 mm (P<0.000 1) and 0.047 mm (P<0.000 1) compared with that in PL group and N group, respectively. With the extension of intervention time, the degree of myopia drift increased.
In this study, a clasp-based and detachable LIM model was described and validated. After 2 weeks of intervention, the refraction shifted significantly toward myopia and the AL increased significantly. The LIM model is simple to construct and can provide a reference for the model construction of animal experiments in myopia research.
30只21日龄的近交系C57BL/6小鼠,野生型,SPF级,雌雄不限,体质量约10~20 g,经称重、验光和外观检查排除3只,剩余27只符合实验标准,对27只小鼠进行实验。动物购自北京华阜康生物科技股份有限公司。实验经中山大学中山眼科中心动物实验伦理委员会审批通过(实验伦理批号:O2021016)。在正常的屏障区实验室条件下饲养,自由摄食,进水,室温控制在20~25 ℃,采用具有定时装置的日光灯照明(250~300 lux),饲养在12 h/12 h的光照黑暗环境中。
小鼠若出现以下情况需排除:① 小鼠体质量太轻(小于10 g);② 眼球发育不全,或有结膜炎、白内障等眼部疾病;③ 双眼屈光参差大于3.00 D。
1.2.1 主要耗材
镜片购于广州京德嘉润视觉科技有限公司(材质:PMMA,基弧半径:8.00 mm,总直径:9.00 mm,LIM组后顶焦度-25.00 D,平光镜组后顶焦度0 D)。蘑菇搭扣购自美国3M公司(型号:SJ4570超薄型,SJ3560)。
1.2.2 仪器
使用带状光检影镜(YZ24,苏州六六视觉科技股份有限公司)进行屈光度检测。使用光谱域光学相干断层扫描 (Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, SD-OCT, Leica Bioptigen) 进行眼生物学参数测量。
1.3.1 分
组 27只小鼠于21日龄分别编号,进行随机分组,分为3组:LIM组、平光镜(plano lens, PL)组和空白对照(normal control, N)组,分组比例为5:1:3。以右眼为干预眼,左眼作为自身对照。LIM组小鼠右眼戴-25.00 D的镜片,PL组小鼠右眼戴0 D的镜片,N组小鼠双眼不做干预。3组小鼠均配戴塑料颈圈以防止小鼠抓挠眼球或镜片。
1.3.2 光学离焦性近视模型的构建
图1 小鼠光学离焦性近视模型
Fig. 1 Mouse Lens-induced myopia model
① LIM装置的构建:本装置具体包括3种材料:镜片、硅胶垫片、蘑菇搭扣。用紫外固化胶将镜片边缘粘到一个圆环形硅胶垫片上(厚度1 mm,内直径7 mm,外直径10 mm)。两种蘑菇搭扣均剪成约12 mm×10 mm的矩形块状,用打孔器在中央打孔(直径8 mm)。将镜片-硅胶垫片组合用紫外固化胶固定在较厚的蘑菇搭扣(SJ3560)的背胶面。
② 佩戴:使用1%戊巴比妥钠按50 mg/kg体质量腹腔注射麻醉小鼠。用卡波姆滴眼液(博士伦)点眼保持湿润。用5-0缝线将已经打好孔的超薄型蘑菇搭扣(SJ4570)缝合在小鼠右眼眶周。最后,将LIM装置与缝合在小鼠眶周的蘑菇搭扣对合即可。佩戴塑料颈圈,防止小鼠抓挠镜片或眼球。对侧眼以妥布霉素眼膏(中山大学中山眼科中心)涂眼防止感染,并放在保暖垫上进行恢复。
③ 护理:每天均需打开搭扣,用无尘棉签清洁镜片,除非超薄型蘑菇搭扣缝线松脱需要重新缝合,其他情况无需再次麻醉小鼠。
1.4.1 屈光度检测
以0.5%复方托吡卡胺滴眼液点眼1次进行散瞳,2 min后检查瞳孔,瞳孔大小大于3 mm且对光反射消失则认为散瞳完全。由经过一定训练的两个验光师(未知动物组别)进行检影验光,取二者的平均值,若二者的差异大于2.00 D,则重新测量。
1.4.2 眼生物学参数测量
麻醉使用1%戊巴比妥钠按50 mg/kg体质量腹腔注射,麻醉成功后采用SD-OCT测量眼轴长度等眼生物学参数。先对右眼进行三次全眼扫描(1 000×5×2的线性B扫描),然后对左眼进行相同的检测[
统计学分析用Graphpad Prism 8.0进行。主要指标包括:各组各眼的屈光度和眼生物学参数的绝对值,各组两眼间屈光度的差值(右眼-左眼)较基线的变化值(简称屈光度的变化值),各组两眼间眼生物学参数的差值(右眼-左眼)较基线的变化值(简称眼生物学参数的变化值)。定量资料用Q-Q图进行正态性检验,若服从正态分布,用平均数±标准差进行统计描述。经残差图的检验方差齐性。各组内,左右眼进行配对t检验。对于时间序列,通过球形检验后,进行混合效应分析,以P < 0.05为因子有统计学意义,若发现时间和分组存在交互效应,选取时间点进行组间比较。3组间比较,当数据服从正态分布但不满足方差齐性时,使用Welch's ANOVA进行组间比较;当Welch's ANOVA有统计学差异时,采用Dunnett's T3检验进行两两比较,以双侧P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。
图2 两眼间屈光度差值和眼生物学参数差值的Q-Q图
Fig. 2 Q-Q Plots of interocular differences in refraction and ocular dimensions
A(2 week), B(4 week), refraction. C(2 week), D(4 week), axial length. E(2 week), F(4 week), anterior chamber depth. G(2 week), H(4 week), lens thickness. I(2 week), J(4 week), vitreous chamber depth. K(2 week), L(4 week), retinal thickness. M(2 week), N(4 week), corneal thickness.
Group | Eye | Time/week | n | Refraction/D | AL/mm | ACD/mm | LT/mm | VCD/mm | RT/mm | CT/mm |
LIM | Right (LIM) | 0 | 15 | 5.20±1.49 | 3.091±0.048 | 0.293±0.036 | 1.821±0.034 | 0.733±0.030 | 0.169±0.017 | 0.075±0.009 |
Left (Fellow) | 5.12±1.21 | 3.090±0.058 | 0.296±0.039 | 1.819±0.035 | 0.725±0.028 | 0.176±0.008 | 0.074±0.008 | |||
Right (LIM) | 2 | 141) | 1.17±1.25 | 3.212±0.065 | 0.338±0.041 | 1.930±0.040 | 0.678±0.027 | 0.177±0.013 | 0.090±0.015 | |
Left (Fellow) | 3.63±0.95 | 3.158±0.072 | 0.324±0.049 | 1.921±0.046 | 0.665±0.036 | 0.173±0.010 | 0.073±0.008 | |||
Right (LIM) | 4 | 4 | -1.63±0.25 | 3.335±0.022 | 0.381±0.025 | 2.033±0.010 | 0.668±0.030 | 0.167±0.023 | 0.085±0.008 | |
Left (Fellow) | 1.94±0.24 | 3.279±0.031 | 0.376±0.016 | 2.038±0.012 | 0.622±0.017 | 0.169±0.012 | 0.074±0.007 | |||
PL | Right (PL) | 0 | 3 | 3.58±0.14 | 3.125±0.005 | 0.335±0.009 | 1.823±0.013 | 0.713±0.033 | 0.174±0.011 | 0.080±0.007 |
Left (Fellow) | 3.58±0.38 | 3.089±0.013 | 0.341±0.012 | 1.808±0.006 | 0.695±0.018 | 0.173±0.007 | 0.073±0.004 | |||
Right (PL) | 2 | 3 | 2.92±0.38 | 3.249±0.007 | 0.368±0.002 | 1.969±0.009 | 0.665±0.024 | 0.165±0.017 | 0.083±0.004 | |
Left (Fellow) | 3.17±0.14 | 3.211±0.011 | 0.328±0.046 | 1.954±0.003 | 0.680±0.055 | 0.171±0.020 | 0.078±0.005 | |||
Right (PL) | 4 | 3 | 1.67±0.52 | 3.320±0.003 | 0.391±0.023 | 2.037±0.014 | 0.636±0.034 | 0.169±0.006 | 0.087±0.003 | |
Left (Fellow) | 1.92±0.14 | 3.274±0.005 | 0.371±0.035 | 2.019±0.007 | 0.629±0.023 | 0.180±0.012 | 0.076±0.001 | |||
N | Right | 0 | 9 | 5.19±1.31 | 3.101±0.028 | 0.330±0.015 | 1.811±0.036 | 0.692±0.028 | 0.185±0.014 | 0.084±0.014 |
Left | 5.14±1.28 | 3.116±0.024 | 0.332±0.025 | 1.822±0.031 | 0.690±0.023 | 0.184±0.014 | 0.088±0.012 | |||
Right | 2 | 92) | 5.75±0.46 | 3.229±0.038 | 0.351±0.035 | 1.950±0.022 | 0.663±0.045 | 0.181±0.010 | 0.084±0.009 | |
Left | 5.69±0.53 | 3.241±0.024 | 0.359±0.024 | 1.957±0.023 | 0.653±0.024 | 0.187±0.009 | 0.085±0.008 | |||
Right | 4 | 9 | 3.50±0.90 | 3.304±0.047 | 0.376±0.023 | 2.029±0.032 | 0.634±0.016 | 0.174±0.015 | 0.091±0.009 | |
Left | 3.50±0.43 | 3.318±0.044 | 0.384±0.023 | 2.032±0.028 | 0.627±0.019 | 0.185±0.015 | 0.089±0.009 |
LIM, lens-induced myopia; PL, plano lens; N, normal control, AL, axial length; ACD, anterior chamber depth; LT, lens thickness; VCD, vitreous chamber depth; RT, retinal thickness; CT, corneal thickness. 1) n=15 for Refraction. 2) n=8 for Refraction.
图3 光学离焦性近视小鼠(LIM)、平光镜小鼠(PL)和正常对照小鼠(N)的屈光度和眼轴长变化
Fig. 3 Refraction and AL changes of LIM mice, PL mice and normal control mice
A: Experimental procedures and data collection flow diagram. B: Refractive development growth curves of lens-induced myopia (LIM) mice, plano lens (PL) mice and normal control (N) mice. Refraction indicated the change of difference between the right and left eyes from baseline. From the second week of intervention, the averaged refractions of the LIM group were significantly more myopic than those of the PL or N groups. The sample sizes of LIM, PL and N group were 10, 3, 4 in the first week, 15, 3, 8 in the second week, 10, 3, 4 in the third week, 4, 3, 9 in the fourth week, respectively. C: Ocular axial length (AL) development growth curves of LIM mice, PL mice and normal mice. AL indicated the change of difference between the right and left eyes from baseline. After at least one week of intervention, the averaged AL of the LIM group were significantly longer than those of the PL or N groups. The sample sizes of LIM, PL and N group were 9, 3, 4 in the first week, 14, 3, 9 in the second week, 9, 3, 4 in the third week, 4, 3, 9 in the fourth week, respectively. D: Bar charts summarizing refractions of lens induced eyes and fellow eyes in LIM mice (n=15) and PL mice (n=3), and both eyes in normal mice (n=8) after 2-week intervention. In LIM group, lens induced eyes were more myopic than the fellow eyes. E: Grouped data show that the change of interocular differences in refraction from baseline in LIM mice (n=15) were significantly more myopic shifts as compared to those in PL mice (n=3) and normal mice (n=8). F: Bar charts summarizing AL of lens induced eyes and fellow eyes in LIM mice (n=14 and PL mice (n=3), and both eyes in normal mice (n=9) after 2-week intervention. In LIM group, lens induced eyes had longer AL than the fellow eyes. G: Axial elongation in LIM mice (n=14) was significantly larger than that in PL mice (n=3) and normal mice (n=9). 1) P < 0.05, 2) P < 0.01, 3) P < 0.001, 4) P < 0.000 1, Dunnett's T3-adjusted multiple comparison, LIM vs. PL. 5) P < 0.05, 6) P < 0.01, 7) P < 0.001, 8) P < 0.000 1, Dunnett's T3-adjusted multiple comparison, LIM vs. normal control. 9) P < 0.05, 10) P < 0.01, 11) P < 0.001, 12) P < 0.000 1, paired t-test, Left vs. Right eyes.
经Q-Q图检验,各组两眼间屈光度差异的变化值服从正态分布。组内比较,LIM组内,离焦诱导2周,两眼间屈光度差异变化的均值为(-2.55±1.54) D(t=6.430, P<0.000 1;
Group | Time/ week | n | Refraction/D | AL/mm | ALRefraction/(mm/D) | ACD/mm | LT/mm | VCD/mm | RT/mm | CT/mm |
LIM | 2 | 148) | -2.55±1.544) | 0.051±0.0244) | -0.020 | 0.015±0.04 3 | 0.005±0.009 | 0.003±0.051 | 0.011±0.020 | 0.016±0.0202) |
4 | 4 | -3.31±0.134) | 0.055±0.0152) | -0.017 | 0.001±0.02 1 | 0.000±0.002 | 0.029±0.052 | 0.016±0.026 | 0.008±0.010 | |
PL Control | 2 | 3 | -0.25±0.75 | 0.003±0.006 | -0.012 | 0.045±0.052 | 0.001±0.006 | -0.034±0.071 | -0.007±0.010 | -0.003±0.013 |
4 | 3 | -0.25±0.66 | 0.011±0.012 | -0.044 | 0.026±0.046 | 0.002±0.006 | -0.010±0.025 | -0.012±0.010 | 0.005±0.007 | |
Normal Control | 2 | 99) | 0.00±0.38 | 0.003±0.011 | - | -0.006±0.022 | 0.004±0.009 | 0.008±0.032 | -0.007±0.0091) | 0.003±0.011 |
4 | 9 | -0.06±1.21 | 0.001±0.004 | -0.017 | -0.006±0.019 | 0.008±0.0072) | 0.005±0.032 | -0.011±0.019 | 0.007±0.011 | |
2W, ANOVA, P5) | - | - | 0.004 8 | 0.000 1 | - | 0.220 6 | 0.605 0 | 0.669 9 | 0.084 0 | 0.155 6 |
2W, LIM vs PL, P6) | - | - | 0.014 0 | <0.000 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2W, LIM vs N, P7) | - | - | <0.000 1 | <0.000 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
4W, ANOVA, P5) | - | - | 0.000 7 | 0.012 2 | - | 0.550 2 | 0.085 6 | 0.491 6 | 0.220 3 | 0.878 9 |
4W,LIM vs PL, P6) | - | - | 0.020 6 | 0.013 7 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
4W, LIM vs N, P7) | - | - | <0.000 1 | 0.008 2 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
LIM, lens-induced myopia; PL, plano lens; N, normal control; AL, axial length; ACD, anterior chamber depth; LT, lens thickness; VCD, vitreous chamber depth; RT, retinal thickness; CT, corneal thickness. Interocular differences indicated the change of difference between the right and left eyes from baseline. 1) P < 0.05, 2) P < 0.01, 3) P < 0.001, 4) P < 0.0001, paired t-test, Right vs Left eyes. 5) Welch's ANOVA, LIM mice vs. PL mice vs. normal control mice. 6) Dunnett's T3-adjusted multiple comparison, LIM mice vs. PL mice. 7) Dunnett's T3-adjusted multiple comparison, LIM mice vs. normal control mice. 8) n=15 for Refraction. 9) n=8 for Refraction.
混合效应分析结果显示,时间和分组因素具有交互效应(P<0.000 1),时间效应和分组因素均具有统计学意义(二者P值均<0.000 1),随干预时间延长,干预组近视漂移程度增加。从干预第1周起,各时间点进行组间比较,3组间差异具有统计学意义(Welch's ANOVA,第1周,F=4.715, P=0.048 3;第2周,F=16.55, P=0.004 8;第3周F=10.23, P=0.012 5;第4周,F=53.63, P=0.000 7),进一步两两比较,LIM组的屈光度变化值与PL组或N组相比,除了诱导1周的LIM组和N组相比没有差异,其他组间差异均具有统计学意义, 即LIM组较PL组或N组更趋向近视(
2.3.1 眼
轴 各组两眼间眼轴差异的变化值如
混合效应分析结果显示,时间和分组因素具有交互效应(P<0.000 1),时间效应和分组因素均具有统计学意义(二者P值均<0.000 1)。从干预第1周起,各时间点进行组间比较均具有统计学意义(Welch's ANOVA,第1周,F=14.56, P=0.002 5;第2周,F=22.25, P=0.000 1;第3周F=29.00, P=0.002;第4周,F=20.60, P=0.012 2),进一步两两比较,LIM组的眼轴变化值与PL组或N组相比,组间差异均具有统计学意义,LIM组眼轴增长值较PL组或N组更大(
2.3.2 其余眼生物学参数
组内比较,LIM组内2周时两眼间角膜厚度差异相对基线变厚,均值为(0.016±0.020) mm (t=3.029, P=0.009 7),N组内2周时右眼视网膜厚度相对变薄(0.007±0.009) mm (t=2.308, P=0.049 9),4周右眼晶状体厚度相对变厚(0.008±0.007) mm (t=3.534, P=0.007 7),其余参数均无明显变化。组间比较,组间差异无统计学意义(
眼轴的实验结果也和屈光度一致。通过2周的离焦诱导,LIM组内干预眼眼轴较对侧增长约0.051 mm;组间比较,LIM组眼轴较PL组或N组分别增长0.048 mm、0.047 mm。而本实验所用OCT测量误差在0.018 mm左右[
至于其他眼生物学参数,角膜厚度、晶状体厚度、视网膜厚度的变化在0.007-0.017 mm之间,虽然出现了统计学差异,但结合上述,其测量误差为0.018 mm[
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