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YANG Chen-chen,JI Bao-chao,LI Guo-qing,et al.Satisfaction of Patients with Above-the-knee Amputation following Periprosthetic Joint Infection[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2023,44(02):198-208.
杨晨辰,纪保超,李国庆等.因膝关节假体周围感染接受膝上截肢术患者术后主客观满意度分析[J].中山大学学报(医学科学版),2023,44(02):198-208. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).2023.0203.
YANG Chen-chen,JI Bao-chao,LI Guo-qing,et al.Satisfaction of Patients with Above-the-knee Amputation following Periprosthetic Joint Infection[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2023,44(02):198-208. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).2023.0203.
回顾性分析13例因膝关节假体周围感染行膝上截肢术患者,女性7例,男性6例,中位数为69 (45~ 73)岁。所有患者自初次膝关节置换术至截肢手术前因假体周围感染接受手术次数平均为2.9次(范围1~6)。13例患者按接受截肢手术时年龄被分为非老年组(<65岁)和老年组(≥65岁)。采用SF-12评分和Barthel指数评定量表评价患者术后功能及日常生活能力。通过调查问卷评价患者术后满意度。
4例患者于截肢术后6个月内死亡,9名存活患者平均随访时间中位数为4.2 (1.9~8.2)年,其中3例患者术后因残肢感染再次入院接受手术治疗。非老年组患者术后均可佩戴假肢步行,老年组患者中仅1例患者术后可佩戴假肢行走。非老年组患者截肢术后功能评分明显优于老年组病例(
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the functional outcomes and satisfaction in periprosthetic knee infection patients after above-the-knee amputation (AKA).
A review was performed in 13 patients who underwent AKA due to periprosthetic knee infection from October 2010 to August 2022, there were 7 females and 6 males with the median age of 69 (45~ 73) years. The mean number of surgical procedures between primary total knee arthroplasty and AKA was 2.9 times (range: 1 ~ 6). Patients were segregated into non-elderly group (including patients <65 years old) and elderly group (involving patients ≥65 years old). Functional outcomes were evaluated by SF-12 and Barthel activities daily living index (Barthel ADL index). Patient satisfaction was accomplished through a questionnaire.
Four patients died within 6 months after the amputation. Three patients received surgical procedures for recurrent infections after AKA. In the remaining 9 patients,the median time from AKA to the final follow-up was 4.2 (1.9~8.2) years, three patients received surgical procedures for recurrent infections after AKA. Patients in non-elderly group showed better functional outcomes than elderly patients after AKA (both
0.05). All patients in non-elderly group were fitted with a prosthesis. Whereas, elderly patients reported a better satisfaction after AKA than young patients.
Young PJI patients seemed to have better function and ambulatory ability with high expectation and demand, which made them feel less satisfied about AKA. Meanwhile,despite poor function outcomes due to the less healthy physical condition, the alleviation of financial and psychological burdens resulting from reinfections and multiple surgeries and the less demand in function and daily activities made elderly patients have a good satisfaction after AKA.
PJIsatisfactionfunctionabove-the-knee amputation
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