中山大学附属第三医院产科,广东 广州510630
[ "许成芳,主任医师,博士生导师,中山大学附属第三医院妇产科主任兼教研室主任,妇产科医学博士。研究方向为妊娠期肝损伤的发生机制;妊娠急重症的发生机制与临床研究;妊娠及相关疾病临床大数据分析;妇产科相关科学研究成果转化。现担任中华医学会感染病学会产科感染和肝病学专业组委员、广东优生优育地中海贫血委员会委员、广东省医师协会妇产科医师分会第四届委员会产前诊断专业组成员、广东省医师协会妇产科分会青年委员、广东省医师协会妇产科分会委员、广东省健康管理学会妇产科学专委会、广东省优生优育协会等多个学会委员。以项目负责人主持国家、省部级科研基金十余项。获得实用专利发明两项及成果转换一项,发表SCI收录论文及中文核心期刊论文30多篇,与国外实验室有长期稳定的合作关系。曾获中山大学“叶任高-李幼姬”教学突出贡献奖;中山大学第十二届临床教师教学技能大赛一等奖;中山大学“叶任高-李幼姬”优秀临床带教教师称号;中山大学附属第三医院临床教学技能比赛病例讨论第二名;2020年获得“第六届羊城好医生”的荣誉称号。E-mail:lindaxu2011@qq.com,xuchengf@mail.sysu.edu.cn" ]
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GAO Qian,XU Cheng-fang.Research Status of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant-infected Pregnant Women[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2023,44(02):209-216.
高倩,许成芳.孕产妇感染新型冠状病毒Omicron变异株的研究现状[J].中山大学学报(医学科学版),2023,44(02):209-216. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20230129.001.
GAO Qian,XU Cheng-fang.Research Status of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant-infected Pregnant Women[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2023,44(02):209-216. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20230129.001.
COVID-19的新变种B.1.1.529于2021年11月24日首次由南非正式报告给世界卫生组织(WHO)。目前高度传染性的Omicron已成为世界上最流行的 COVID-19 变异株。尽管初步数据表明,妊娠期间感染Omicron变异株发生母胎严重并发症的风险低于以前的变异株及Delta变异株,但由于病毒传播速度快,受害人群广,其临床危害仍值得产科医生的关注。本文从Omicron变异株感染流行现状、孕妇感染Omicron的临床特点、预防和治疗以及新生儿母乳喂养等几个方面展开综述,认为Omicron感染不会增加早期自然流产率及婴儿先天性畸形发生率,但有可能增加孕晚期妊娠期高血压疾病、早产、剖宫产及产后出血等风险,同时也提出了相应的管理策略建议,希望对我国新型冠状病毒孕产妇感染的诊疗策略提供参考。
The new variant B.1.1.529 of COVID-19 was reported to the WHO for the first time by South Africa on November 24, 2021. At present, Omicron has become the dominant strain in the world and is spreading rapidly. Although Omicron infected during pregnancy shows the lower risk of serious maternal and fetal complications than the previous variants and Delta variant, the rapid increase in the number of cases and the wide range of patients still worth attention of obstetricians. This article reviews the prevalence of Omicron variant infection, the clinical characteristics , the prevention and the treatment of pregnant women infected with Omicron, as well as the breastfeeding of newborns. It is believed that Omicron infection will not increase the rate of early spontaneous abortion and the infant congenital malformations, but it may increase the risk of gestational hypertensive disorders, premature delivery, cesarean section, and postpartum hemorrhage in the third trimester of pregnancy.We put forward corresponding management strategies and suggestions to provide references for the diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection in pregnant women in China.
SARS-CoV-2Omicronpregnancyclinical manifestationtreatment
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