1.中山大学中山眼科中心眼科学国家重点实验室,广东 广州510060
2.暨南大学附属深圳爱尔眼科医院,广东 深圳518051
陈烁烁,第一作者,研究方向:近视,E-mail: chenshuoshuocss@163.com
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CHEN Shuoshuo,YANG Zhengfei,LI Zixuan,et al.Repeatability and Reproducibility of a New Ocular Biometer Based on Partial Coherence Interferometry and Its Agreement with IOL Master 500[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2024,45(03):484-492.
陈烁烁,杨正菲,黎紫璇等.新PCI生物测量仪的重复性、再现性和一致性[J].中山大学学报(医学科学版),2024,45(03):484-492. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240419.005.
CHEN Shuoshuo,YANG Zhengfei,LI Zixuan,et al.Repeatability and Reproducibility of a New Ocular Biometer Based on Partial Coherence Interferometry and Its Agreement with IOL Master 500[J].Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences),2024,45(03):484-492. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.j.sun.yat-sen.univ(med.sci).20240419.005.
评估基于部分相干干涉测量原理的新型眼生物测量仪Myopia Master用于测量眼轴、角膜曲率的重复性和再现性,比较其与IOL Master 500的一致性。
同一名操作者随机先后顺序使用新型眼球生物测量仪Myopia Master和IOL Master 500采集屈光不正儿童右眼数据,以评估两仪器间一致性。其中部分儿童接受了Myopia Master重复性、再现性评估。数据包括眼轴(AL)、平坦角膜曲率(Kf)、陡峭角膜曲率(Ks)、平均角膜曲率(Km)、J
136人纳入一致性研究,其中58人纳入重复性和再现性研究。Myopia Master在AL测量中显示出高重复性、再现性(重复性Sw=0.02 mm, ICC=0.999;再现性Sw=0.04 mm, ICC=0.998),在角膜曲率测量显示中等的重复性[Sw范围:(0.04~0.12) D,ICC:(0.861~0.991)]和再现性[Sw范围:(0.06~0.20)D,ICC范围:(0.835~0.992)]。Myopia Master与IOL Master 500测量平均差异为AL(-0.01±0.04)mm、Kf(-0.09±0.15)D、Ks(-0.47±0.40)D、Km(-0.28±0.23)D、 J
在儿童近视筛查中AL和角膜曲率测量中显示出高重复性和再现性,但临床上AL和角膜曲率在Myopia Master和IOL Master 500之间不可互换使用。
To assess the repeatability (intra-operator variability) and reproducibility (inter-operator variability) of a new partial coherence interferometry (PCI)-based ocular biometer, Myopia Master, and its agreement with IOL Master 500 for measuring axial length (AL) and corneal curvature (K) in children aged 8-12 years.
The same operator measured school children with the Myopia Master and the IOL Master 500 in random order to assess agreement. Additionally, some of these children received measurements from another operator using the Myopia Master to assess
repeatability and reproducibility. AL, flat keratometry (Kf), steep keratometry (Ks), mean keratometry (Km), J
and J
were analyzed. The repeatability and reproducibility were assessed by the within-subject standard deviation (Sw), test-retest repeatability (TRT), coefficient of variation (CoV) and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The agreement between the Myopia Master and the IOL Master 500 was assessed by Bland-Altman plots and 95% limits of agreement (LoA).
Both repeatability and reproducibility of the Myopia Master were high for AL measurements (Sw=0.02 mm, ICC=0.999; Sw=0.04 mm, ICC=0.998), but moderate for K measurements (Sw range, 0.04 to 0.12 D, ICC range, 0.861 to 0.991; Sw range, 0.06 to 0.20 D, ICC range, 0.835 to 0.992). There were significant mean differences between the Myopia Master and the IOL Master 500 in measurements of AL (-0.01±0.04) mm, Kf (-0.09 ± 0.15) D, Ks (-0.47±0.40) D, and Km (-0.28±0.23) D, J
(0.18±0.20) D and J
(-0.01±0.12) D.
The Myopia Master provided high repeatability and reproducibility for AL measurements in schoolchildren with myopia, but the Myopia Master and the IOL Master 500 cannot be used interchangeably in measuring AL and K.
partial coherence interferometry the (PCI)axial length(AL)corneal curvature (K)repeatabilityreproducibilityagreement
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